
Servicios Gestionados de Telefonía
Todos los servicios integrales de voz para Microsoft Teams.
Teams Direct Routing
Integración de voz con
Microsoft Teams.
SBC Management
Optimización y gestión de tu infraestructura de voz.
Eliminación de PBX
Actualiza tu comunicación eliminando tu PBX con seguridad.
Adopción y Gestión del Cambio
Adopción y gestión para desbloquear el potencial de Microsoft Teams.
Room Systems
Transforme sus espacios de reuniones con la última tecnología.
Signature Rooms
Favorece la inclusión, productividad y creativdad con salas Signature.
integración audiovisual newtech icon
Interoperabilidad de Video
Conexión sin límites de plataformas.
Revoluciona la comunicación interna en tu organización.
Ad-Hoc Teams Apps Development
Deja volar tu imaginación, nosotros lo creamos.
Viva Suite
Revoluciona las comunicaciones internas con Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft 365
Eleva la eficiencia y la colaboración en tu empresa mediante la implementación de Microsoft 365.
Adopción y Gestión del Cambio
Potencia el éxito con una adopción y gestión del cambio efectivas.
Conectando futuro
eventos newtech icon
It doesn't matter where but what you have to say.
Room Systems
Transform your meeting spaces with the latest technology.
Signature Rooms
Encourage inclusion, productivity and creativity with Signature rooms.
integración audiovisual newtech icon
Video Interoperability
Connection without platform limits.
Managed Telephony Services
All comprehensive voice services for Microsoft Teams.
Teams Direct Routing
Voice integration with
Microsoft Teams.
SBC Management
Optimization and management of your voice infrastructure.
PBX Elimination
Upgrade your communication by securely eliminating your PBX.
Adoption and Change Management
Adoption and management to unlock the potential of Microsoft Teams.
Unlock seamless connectivity and collaboration within your organization with BeComm.
Ad-Hoc Teams Apps Development
There are no limits for imagination.
Viva Suite
Use all the power that brings Microsoft Tools.
Microsoft 365
Elevate efficiency and collaboration in your business by deploying Microsoft 365.
Adoption and Change Management
Power success with effective adoption and change management.

Modern Solutions for Hybrid Workspaces

Functional rooms and small spaces

Changing work culture goes beyond simply implementing a new solution. Employees must understand the value of the solution in their daily tasks. Successful adoption represents a change in behaviors and habits.

We can accompany you with the adoption of new collaboration and productivity tools, effective communications, taking you to the future of teamwork. In this way, you will be able to exceed your planned objectives.

Based on diagnoses of your organization, we will be able to identify the most important needs and scenarios that require change management.

What are unified communications
and collaboration (UCC)?

Comunicaciones unificadas newtech

The optimization of the key processes of your organization will generate the results you are looking for, taking advantage of the solutions that we can offer you.

A good implementation also requires that the policies of good use of the tools can be applied to avoid involuntary errors on the part of the users.

These managed services of the platform help to have a more effective control of the policies that govern the organization in terms of information security, information retention and types of access.

especialistas en soluciones modernas newtech

Consult today with our specialists
in Modern Solutions

Talk to a specialist

We accompany your organization in the adoption
collaboration tools

We work to guide you in the application of collaboration and productivity tools,
combining technology and innovation to make your communications effective and close,
and thus be able to lead your organization into the future of teamwork.


we can help you

Consult a specialist in
Modern Solutions for Hybrid Workspaces

From Newtech, we can help you in the process of acquisition and
implementation of new videoconferencing solutions for your organization.

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